Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), also known as the “Vampire Facial” is a highly affective and natural therapy utilized to promote new collagen and tissue regeneration; treating deep wrinkles, fine lines, acne scarring, loss of skin volume, wounds, and hair loss.

PRP is a revolutionary procedure which uses the components of your own blood to regenerate your skin. The ingredients of this innovative method reside within a fraction of your blood, called “Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)”. PRP treatment is enriched with platelets, stem cells and growth factors. Once you have received a platelet-rich plasma injection, the following components will accelerate tissue healing via new collagen formation at the treatment site.

How is that, you may ask? As we age, fibroblasts activity, collagen and elastin production in dermis decreases with age. Melanin production becomes irregular, causing dark spots and lentiginous. There are many factors which can cause skin to age, scar and mark, but there is a natural solution; PRP.

VN Cosmetic Clinic


PRP significantly improves the process of natural tissue regeneration, which slows down as we age. PRP soothes fine lines and improves skin quality.

Due to microcirculation which takes place close to the eyes, they can appear darker in colour. PRP injections can stimulate circulation around the eye and will improve eye darkness.

Do you have deep wrinkles? A combination therapy with HA dermal fillers and PRP can restore volumes to the face.

PRP mesotherapy injections can greatly improve acne scars, stretch marks, and scars.

Alopecia or the atrophy of hair production in a follicle is a problem for many. Hair loss affects both men and women; happening at any stage of their lives. Are you one of those individuals? There are many factors that can cause excessive hair loss including: dermatological diseases, drug use, hormonal changes, stress and congenital defects.
One of the most effective ways to stimulate hair growth is mesotherapy of the head skin with PRP treatment. Individuals who have hair loss due to an inadequate diet, hormonal imbalance, and/or circulatory insufficiencies PRP treatment is a perfect natural solution. Platelet Rich Plasma injections have been intended to stimulate hair follicles for regenerative processes.


A nurse or physician will extract a minimal amount of blood from the patient, and it will placed into the PRP centrifuge for eight to ten minutes; producing optimal platelet concentration – also known as “Liquid Gold”.

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